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February [General] Newsletter
Extension of Japan-Thailand and Japan-Indonesia Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Program
The implementation periods of the Japan-Thailand Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program and the Japan-Indonesia PPH pilot program, which were scheduled to end on December 31, 2023, have both been extended.
Specifically, the implementation period of the PPH trial program between Japan and Thailand will be extended by two years, with a planned end date of December 3, XNUMX. Additionally, the implementation period of the PPH trial program between Japan and Indonesia will be extended by three years, with a planned end date of December XNUMX, XNUMX. Furthermore, the implementation periods of both programs are planned to be extended as necessary.
Therefore, it is predicted that Japanese companies will continue to expand their business in Thailand and Indonesia.
Additionally, there are no changes to the requirements for using the Japan-Thailand PPH pilot program.
On the other hand, the requirements for using the Japan-Indonesia PPH trial program have been relaxed as follows: Specifically, previously, a timing requirement was imposed on an application for PPH to the Indonesian Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) based on a Japanese patent application, stating that the application had to be submitted six months after the opposition period had elapsed after the patent application was published, but from January 2024, this timing requirement has been abolished.
As shown above, in Indonesia, it will be easier to use PPH based on Japanese patent applications, which will speed up the examination of patent applications.
“Global Intellectual Property Strategy Forum 2024” held
The "Global Intellectual Property Strategy Forum 2024" will be held at Kanda Square Hall in Tokyo on January 25, 2024, co-sponsored by the Japan Patent Office and the Industrial Property Information and Training Center.
The Global Intellectual Property Strategy Forum is a forum that has been held since 2015 and aims to provide information that contributes to the construction of intellectual property strategies that are linked to business strategies. In addition, the latest domestic and international topics related to management and intellectual property strategies have been introduced at the above forum.
In addition to being held locally, the above-mentioned "Global Intellectual Property Strategy Forum 2024" will be live-streamed and archived from February 1, 2024 to February 21, 2024. Please note that in order to participate in the on-site event, you will need to apply from the website below, and you will also need to apply from the website below to view the live and archived broadcasts.
“Global Intellectual Property Strategy Forum 2024” HP:
The program of the above “Global Intellectual Property Strategy Forum 2024” is as shown below.
10:00~10:05 | Opening remarks |
10:05~10:45 | Keynote speech 1 "Challenge to 'Intellectual Property at the Center of Strategy' - Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Opportunity" |
10:45~11:25 | Keynote speech 2 “Evaluation and expectations for disclosure of intellectual property and intangible assets” |
11:25~12:05 | panel discussion 1 “About evaluating efforts to address environmental issues using patent information – Utilization of GXTI” |
12:05~12:50 | Lunch session (recorded) “A strong ally when expanding overseas! Activities of the Japanese Corporate Information Exchange Group (IPG) overseas” |
12:50~13:35 | Exchange meeting (business card exchange meeting) |
13:35~13:50 | break |
13:50~15:10 | panel discussion 2 “Human resource development and internal structure building to put IPL into practice” |
15:10~15:25 | break |
15:25~16:45 | panel discussion 3 “Changing the world through innovation! Startup challenges and intellectual property strategies” |
16:45~16:50 | Closing remarks |
G7Intellectual Property Office Commissioner-level meeting held
On December 7, 7, the G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation was held, hosted and chaired by the Japan Patent Office (JPO). Participants of the G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation included the heads of the intellectual property offices of the G7 member countries (Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, and Italy), as well as Director General Tan of the World Intellectual Property Organization as an observer. The GXNUMX Heads of IP Office Conversation was also held in the metaverse space.
The main topics of the G7 Intellectual Property Office Director-General's meeting mentioned above were intellectual property awareness activities to expand inclusivity and diversity, and intellectual property issues in the digital domain.
In addition, JPO Commissioner Hamano provided information on Japan's recent initiatives, including various JPO measures to promote inclusiveness and diversity in the IP field, and the amendments to the Unfair Competition Prevention Act promulgated in June 7 with the aim of preventing counterfeiting in the digital space, and shared this information with the GXNUMX IP offices and WIPO.
Furthermore, at the above-mentioned G7 Intellectual Property Office Director-General Meeting, it was stated that (7) in order to accelerate innovation and creativity, it is necessary to engage not only existing stakeholders in the IP ecosystem but also a variety of people who can benefit from IP; (7) It is important to continually improve the intellectual property system so that it can respond to the latest issues, such as intellectual property issues in new digital fields including the metaverse. There was a shared recognition among the GXNUMX IP offices that this is the case. In addition, a joint statement stating this was adopted at the above-mentioned GXNUMX IP Office Director-General Meeting.
In the future, based on the above joint statement, G7 member countries including Japan will work together to share experiences and efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in order to build a more inclusive global intellectual property ecosystem. It is believed that cooperation will continue and be promoted. In addition, it is thought that efforts will be made to develop legislation and other measures to improve consumer awareness of the risks associated with counterfeit products and pirated copies in the new digital realm, including the Metaverse.
Newsletter translated into English

Japan-Thailand and Japan-Indonesia Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Programs Extended
The implementation periods of the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program between Japan and Thailand and the PPH pilot program between Japan and Indonesia, which were scheduled to end on December 31, 2023, have both been extended.
Specifically, the PPH pilot program between Japan and Thailand has been extended by two years, with a scheduled ending date of December 31, 2025. 31, 2026. In both cases, the implementation period may be further extended as necessary.
Therefore, it is expected that Japanese companies will continue to expand their business in Thailand and Indonesia.
There is no change in the requirements for using the PPH pilot program between Japan and Thailand.
On the other hand, the requirements for using the PPH pilot program between Japan and Indonesia have been relaxed as follows. Previously, a timing requirement was imposed which required a PPH application to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) of Indonesia based on a Japanese patent application to be filed after the expiration of the opposition period of six months following the publication of the patent application. This timing requirement has been eliminated as of January 2024.
As a result, making PPH applications based on Japanese patent applications will become easier in Indonesia, which is expected to speed up the examination of patent applications.
Global IP Strategy Forum 2024
The “Global IP Strategy Forum 2024” will be held on January 25, 2024 at Kanda Square Hall in Tokyo, under the joint sponsorship of the Japan Patent Office and the National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT).
The “Global IP Strategy Forum”, which has been held since 2015, aims to provide information that contributes to the development of IP strategies in conjunction with management strategies. Also, the latest domestic and international topics related to management and IP strategy are introduced at the forum.
In addition to the on-site event, the “Global IP Strategy Forum 2024” will be broadcast live and a video archive will be available from February 1, 2024 to February 21, 2024. Registration at the website below is required to participate in the on-site event, as well as to watch the live streaming and archived footage.
“Global IP Strategy Forum 2024” HP:
The program of the “Global IP Strategy Forum 2024” is as follows:
10:00 - 10:05 PM | Opening Remarks |
10:05 - 10:45 PM | Keynote Speech 1 “The Challenge of 'IP at the Center of Strategy': Risk Minimization and Opportunity Maximization” |
10:45 - 11:25 PM | Keynote Speech 2 “Evaluation and Expectations for Disclosure of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets” |
11:25 - 12:05 PM | 12:05 Panel Discussion 1 “Evaluation of Efforts to Address Environmental Issues Using Patent Information: Utilization of GXTI” |
12:05 - 12:50 PM | Lunch Session (recorded) “A Strong Ally for Expansion Destinations Abroad! Overseas Activities of Information Exchange Groups (IPG) for Japanese Companies” |
12:50-13:35 | Exchange Session (Business Card Exchange) |
13:35-13:50 | Break |
13:50~15:10 | Panel Discussion 2 “Human Resource Development and Establishment of Internal Systems to Practice IPL” |
15:10~15:25 | Break |
15:25~16:45 | Panel Discussion 3 “Changing the world through innovation! Startups' Challenges and IP Strategies” |
16:45~16:50 | Closing Remarks |
G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation
The G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation was held on December 15, 2023, hosted and chaired by the Japan Patent Office (JPO). The participants in the G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation included the directors general, etc. of the IP Offices of the G7 member states (Japan, the US, the UK, Canada, France, Germany, and Italy) and, as an observer, Mr. Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization. This G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation was held in the metaverse.
The main topics of the G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation were IP promotion and awareness-raising activities to expand inclusiveness and diversity, and IP issues in the digital domain.
JPO Commissioner Hamano also shared with the G7 IP Offices and WIPO information on recent efforts in Japan, including various measures taken by the JPO to promote inclusiveness and diversity in the IP field and the revision of the Unfair Competition Prevention Law to be promulgated in June 2023 to prevent counterfeit acts in the digital space.
In addition, at the above G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation, the G7 IP Offices also shared their understanding regarding (1) the need for strong and active engagement not only from existing stakeholders in the IP ecosystem but also from various parties who can benefit from IP in order to accelerate innovation and creativity, and (2) the importance of continuous improvement of the IP system to respond to the latest challenges such as IP issues in the new digital realm, including the metaverse. A joint statement mentioning the mentioned matter was adopted at the G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation.
It is expected that the G7 member states, including Japan, will continue to promote cooperation among themselves so as to share experiences and initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion, in order to build a more inclusive global IP ecosystem based on the above joint statement. In addition, efforts will be made to advance legislation etc. to raise consumer awareness of the risks associated with counterfeiting and piracy in the new digital realm, including the metaverse.