table of contents
October [General] Newsletter
"IP Landscape Practice Guidebook for Business Strategy" provided by the Japan Patent Office
The Japan Patent Office has provided a "Practical Guidebook for IP Landscapes Contributing to Business Strategies" (hereinafter referred to as the "Practical Guidebook"). The term "IP Landscape" used here is defined as "conducting an analysis that incorporates intellectual property information into management and business information when formulating management or business strategies, and sharing the results of that analysis (overview of the current situation, future prospects, etc.) with managers and business leaders" (Reiwa 2nd Japan Patent Office Industrial Property Rights System Issues Research Report "Research Report on the Analysis and Utilization of Intellectual Property Information Contributing to Business Strategies") and is unrelated to the registered trademark "IP Landscape."
As can be seen from the definition above, this practical guidebook can be described as a guide to methods by which managers and business managers of companies, universities, etc. can formulate management strategies, business strategies, and technology development strategies, including intellectual property strategies, by analyzing the management and business environment, including intellectual property information.
The table of contents of this practical guidebook (major headings only) is as follows:
1. Purpose of utilizing IP Landscape
2. Purpose-specific analysis methods
3. Virtual implementation example of IP landscape
4. Free databases and tools available for IP landscape
This practical guidebook can be an extremely useful tool for managers and business leaders who are considering using intellectual property rights to develop their businesses, and for those who support them, and we recommend that you read through at least the sections that interest you. This practical guidebook can be downloaded from the Japan Patent Office website, and booklet versions are also distributed at the "Intellectual Property General Support Desks" of each prefecture and the "Intellectual Property Offices" of each Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry.
The Japan Patent Office publishes a collection of intellectual property activity cases aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises
The Japan Patent Office has published a "Collection of Intellectual Property Activity Cases" for small and medium-sized enterprises. There are probably many business managers who are worried about not knowing what to do specifically when it comes to intellectual property activities. This collection of cases covers 14 types of intellectual property activities, and explains how 14 small and medium-sized enterprises across the country have put each into practice, providing examples from the perspectives of "background" and "behind the scenes."
The number of employees and capital of each of the companies introduced (including anonymous companies) are also listed, providing real-life examples of what kind of intellectual property activities are being carried out at companies of various business scales, which is likely to be of great help to small and medium-sized enterprises that are considering starting intellectual property activities.
The 14 sections cover a wide range of topics, including "Market/Competitor Analysis," "Invention, Development, and Improvement," "Promotion of Rights," "Countermeasures against Infringement," "Risk Management (Clearance)," and "Overseas Expansion," so the book is easy to read, as you can just look at the table of contents and start reading from the part that interests you.
For further details, please refer to the website of the Japan Patent Office below.
Japan Society of Intellectual Property Law 2024 (JSIP2024) - Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution in Japan, the United States and Europe -
The Japan Society for Intellectual Property Law and Politics (JSIP2024) will be held on Thursday, October 24th and Friday, October 25th, 2024, co-hosted by the Supreme Court, the Intellectual Property High Court, the Ministry of Justice, the Japan Patent Office, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and the Intellectual Property Lawyers Network.
The purpose of this symposium is to deepen understanding of each country's appeal system and intellectual property judicial system and their operation.
This symposium can be attended in person or streamed online. However, advance registration is required for both in-person attendance and online streaming. Advance registration can be done on the JSIP2024 official website (advance registration is currently being accepted).
The program is scheduled to be updated in the future, but the scheduled program as of September 5th has been announced as follows.
Day 1: Thursday, October 24th, 13:30-18:00
Court Part
Moot court cases involving Japan, the European Unified Patent Court, the US and the UK (cases where patent validity is disputed in patent infringement litigation)
Panel discussion (regarding patent validity in courts)
Day 2: Friday, October 25th, 13:30-18:00
Patent Office Part
Lectures (latest trends in trials at each office, relationship between the Japan Patent Office and the courts)
Mock oral hearing by the Japan Patent Office
Panel discussion (oral hearings, judgment on inventive step, etc.)
For further details, please refer to the website of the Japan Patent Office below.
Newsletter translated into English
“IP Landscape Practice Guidebook for Management Strategies” provided by the JPO.
The JPO has published the “IP Landscape Practice Guidebook for Management Strategy” (hereinafter referred to as the “Practice Guidebook”). The term “IP landscape” in this context is not related to the term “IP landscape” used in relation to registered trademarks, but is defined as “conducting analysis that incorporates IP information into management and business information when formulating management or business strategies, and sharing the results of the analysis (including a bird's-eye view of the current situation and future prospects) with management and business managers” (“Survey and Research Report on IP Information Analysis and Utilization Contributing for Management Strategies”, JPO Survey and Research Report on Industrial Property Rights System Issues 2020).
As can be seen from the above definition, this practice guidebook is a methodological handbook for executives and business managers of companies, universities, etc. to formulate management strategies, business strategies, and technology development strategies that incorporate IP strategies, by analyzing the management and business environment, including intellectual property information.
The table of contents (major headings only) of this practice guidebook is as follows:
- Purpose of IP landscape utilization
- Analysis method by objective
- Virtual implementation case studies of IP landscape
- Free databases and tools that can be used for IP landscaping
This practice guidebook can be a very useful tool for executives and business managers who are considering business development utilizing intellectual property rights, as well as for those who are support such people. We recommend a read-through of at least the sections that interest you. This practice guidebook can be downloaded from the JPO website, and printed booklets are available at the “General IP Support Office” of each prefectural government and the “Intellectual Property Office” of each Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, etc.
JPO Publishers “Collection of IP Activities Case Studies” for SMEs.
The Japan Patent Office has published a “Collection of IP Activities Case Studies” for small and medium-sized enterprises. Many company managers seem to face a problem in that they do not know exactly what they should be doing when it comes to IP activities. This collection of case studies covers 14 sections of possible IP activities and explains how 14 SMEs in Japan have implemented each item from the viewpoint of “background” and “behind-the-scenes”.
Since the number of employees and capital of each company introduced (including anonymous companies) are also listed, a reader can become familiar with examples of how companies of a specific business size conduct IP activities, which is very helpful for small and medium-sized companies that are thinking of starting IP activities.
The 14 sections cover a wide range, including “analysis of the market and other companies”, invention, development and improvement”, “rights acquisition”, “infringement measures”, “risk measures (clearance)”, and “overseas development”, etc. The sections are organized in an easy-to-read manner so that readers can look at the table of contents and read from the sections they are interested in.
For more information, please refer to the following page of the JPO website:
Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / TOKYO 2024 – JSIP2024
~ IP Dispute Resolution in Japan, the United States, and Europe ~
On Thursday, October 24 and Friday, October 25, 2024, the “Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property (JSIP) / TOKYO 2024 (JSIP2024)” will be held jointly by the Supreme Court, the Intellectual Property High Court, the Ministry of Justice, the Japan Patent Office, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and the IP Lawyers Network Japan.
The purpose of this symposium is to deepen the understanding of the adjudication and IP judicial systems and their operation in the various countries.
In addition to on-site participation, the symposium can be viewed via simultaneous Internet streaming. Pre-registration is required for both on-site participation and viewing via the Internet. Pre-registration can be made at the official JSIP2024 website (pre-registration is now being accepted).
The program will be updated in the future, but as of September 5, the planned program has been announced as follows:
Day 1: Thursday, October 24, 13:30-18:00
Court Part
Mock trials by Japan, the Unified Patent Court, the United States and the UK (cases in which patent validity is challenged in patent infringement litigation)
Panel Discussion (Examination of Patent Validity in Court, etc.)
Day 2: Friday, October 25, 13:30-18:00
Patent Office Part
Presentations (latest trends in appeals at various offices, relationship between the patent offices and the courts)
Mock oral proceedings by the JPO
Panel discussion (oral proceedings, determination of inventive step, etc.)
For more information, please refer to the following page of the JPO website: