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The digital revolution that began with IT (information technology) has resulted in the world's data volume doubling every two years and hardware performance evolving exponentially.
This technological evolution is enabling artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain technology, which are part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that are set to transform the way we live our lives, enabling things that were previously thought impossible.
The names of goods and services are reviewed every year by the Committee of Experts on the Nice International Classification, held by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). However, the speed of development in this field is so rapid that appropriate names for goods and services cannot keep up.
Some people believe that it is sufficient to describe the goods or services by simply listing the generic similar group codes of the goods or services (e.g., Class 9 "electronic application machinery and apparatus and parts thereof," "telecommunications machinery and apparatus," etc.). However, we believe that it is essential to proactively indicate innovative goods or services in order to avoid unexpected problems.
We hope that this page will serve as a guide for companies aiming to create a new society through artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain technology when filing trademark applications for the innovative products and services they have developed after much effort.
About AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI (artificial intelligence) refers to a software system that is modeled on a computer to perform human intellectual functions such as memory, reasoning, judgment, and learning (quoted from the Digital Daijisen dictionary).
Therefore, since AI is a computer program, the following goods and services must be described:
In addition, the underlined product/service name has been adopted by the Japan Patent Office as it has been adopted more than 10 times in its examinations.
- Class 9
"Computer Programs"
"Computer programs with artificial intelligence functions'
- Class 42
"Providing computer programs"
"Providing computer programs with artificial intelligence functions'
Next, various services that utilize artificial intelligence are also being offered. For example, internet search engines are already using AI, and the following services have been reviewed and adopted:
- Class 35
"Searching for Internet documents using artificial intelligence programs and providing information on search results"
Other AI-related services that have been approved include the following:
- Class 38
"Teletext and interactive broadcasting using artificial intelligence programs"
- Class 42
"Research on artificial intelligence"
Another example is autonomous driving technology, which is said to change the automobile industry. This technology also uses artificial intelligence technology as a cognitive process. The designated goods and services related to "autonomous driving" adopted by the Japan Patent Office are as follows:
- Class 9
"Computer program for self-driving cars"
- Class 12
"Self-driving cars"
- Class 42
"Testing, research, design and development of autonomous driving technology, autonomous vehicles and computer software for autonomous vehicles, as well as providing guidance, advice, information and consulting on these matters."
"Provision of computer programs for managing the operation of autonomous vehicles via the Internet"
About IoT (Internet of Things)
In order to display the product name of an IoT-related product in a positive manner, it is necessary to describe the product's functions and characteristics, and then finally identify the product. For example, the following products have been examined and adopted by the Japan Patent Office:
- Class 9
"Voice-controlled speaker"
"A change dispenser with wireless data communication function for computers, tablet computers, mobile information terminals, etc."
"An alarm device that receives signals from various sensors and automatically notifies a supervisor."
"Body-wearable data communication device"
"Computer software for remote control of lighting fixtures"
In addition to the examples selected by the review, we believe it is also possible to specify the shape and then describe it as shown below.
"Telecommunications equipment in the shape of a pet toilet"
"A toilet-shaped measuring device for detecting, measuring, and analyzing the urine and weight of pet animals."
In addition, if you use devices such as smartphones to connect things to the Internet, you will also need to include the following designated products:
- Class 9
"Voice-operated computer application software"
"Application software for smartphones, mobile phones, personal digital assistant devices, or computers to automatically open and close curtains"
When listing IoT-related products, it is important to first provide a general description and then proactively identify the product by its shape, use, and function.
About Blockchain
One technology that is compatible with the IoT mentioned above is "blockchain." When you hear the word "blockchain," you probably think of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, but it is a technology that breaks away from centralized systems and enables decentralized systems with low risks of tampering, so it is expected to be used in the field of IoT, which connects many things to the Internet.
Unfortunately, at present there are very few examples of the Patent Office adopting designated goods or services that include the word blockchain.
However, blockchain technology has become more widely known recently. Therefore, we believe that by describing products and services that use blockchain technology as in the example below, it will be easier for them to be adopted.
- Class 9
"Application software using blockchain technology"
"Computer software for electronic currency exchange using blockchain"
- Class 42
"Development of an Internet platform using blockchain technology"
"HARAKENZO more" supports those in industries related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The above are just a few examples.
In recent years, in industries related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which have been constantly growing, we believe that trademarks will become increasingly important in differentiating products or services from those of others.
Is it okay to use a general product or service name for the cutting-edge product or service that was created with such effort?
Products with the same similar group code are merely presumed to be similar to each other, and if there is evidence to the contrary, the products may be deemed dissimilar. Therefore, in order to avoid unexpected trouble, we believe it is wise to proactively indicate the state-of-the-art products and services.
As a group of trademark experts, "HARAKENZO more" specializes in proactively displaying the names of products and services, so please feel free to contact us with any inquiries.
*The designated goods and services listed on this page are for reference only, and do not guarantee that you will not receive a rejection notice from the Japan Patent Office.