
ARIPO Trademark System

First of all, we have provided below some useful information for protecting your trademark rights at the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO). We hope that this page will be of help to you in protecting your intellectual property rights overseas.

South African Trademark System

First, the following information is useful for protecting your trademark rights in South Africa. We hope that this page will be of help to you in protecting your intellectual property overseas. Please make use of it. <Average examination period> *As of April 2016 Application to registration (if no notice of refusal is given): and

Saudi Arabia's Trademark System

First, we have provided below some useful information for protecting your trademark rights in Saudi Arabia. We hope this page will be helpful to you in protecting your intellectual property overseas. Please make use of it. *<Average examination period in Saudi Arabia> *As of June 2018, it currently takes about 6 days from application to registration.

Australian Trademark System

First, we have provided below some useful information for protecting your trademark rights in Australia. We hope that this page will be of help to you in protecting your intellectual property overseas. Please make use of it. *<Average examination period in Australia> *As of June 2018, it currently takes about 6 days from application to registration.

China – The problem of fraudulent applications

The problem of misappropriated applications: In 2019, there were approximately 783.7 million trademark applications filed in China, with approximately 1 applications filed per day and approximately 2.1 million registered trademarks, making China the world leader in terms of the number of applications, surpassing the United States and Japan. This is thought to be due to the fact that companies from all over the world are first trying to secure trademark rights in order to enter the rapidly expanding Chinese market.

Singapore trademark system

Introduction The following information is useful when protecting trademark rights in Singapore. We hope that this page will be of assistance to you in protecting your intellectual property overseas. Please help us. *<Average examination period in Singapore> *As of June 2018, from application to registration

Vietnam trademark system

The following information is useful when protecting trademark rights in Vietnam. We hope that this page will be of assistance to you in protecting your intellectual property overseas. Please help us. Trademark rights in Vietnam (regarding trademarks that can be registered) *Revised law will come into effect from January 2023, 1 *(1)

Indonesian trademark system

Introduction The following information is useful when protecting trademark rights in Indonesia, the most populous country in the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) region. We hope that this page will be of assistance to you in protecting your intellectual property overseas. Please help us. Trademark rights in Indonesia (1)

European Union (EU) trademark system

The following information is useful when protecting trademark rights in the EU. We hope that this page will be of assistance to you in protecting your intellectual property overseas. Please help us. Average examination period *Application to registration as of August 2023: Approximately 8 months (If no opposition is filed:

United States trademark system

Regarding trademark registration in the United States, we have listed and explained below information that will be useful when protecting trademark rights in the United States. We hope that this page will be of assistance to you in protecting your intellectual property overseas. Please help us. *<Estimated period from US trademark application to registration> *2023