IP training course

Introducing training sessions and lectures on intellectual property

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IP training course

In response to requests from various clients, our patent firm has been in charge of lecturers at training sessions and lectures on intellectual property, and we have accepted clients for practical training within our patent firm. I received it. We are honored to have received favorable reviews from many customers. We strongly support your intellectual property strategy from the ground up by providing feedback to you through training sessions, lectures, and practical training based on the wealth of experience and knowledge related to intellectual property that our patent office has cultivated over many years. Our patent office believes that it is possible to do so.
 Therefore, we would like to make it easier for everyone to contact our patent office for requests and consultations regarding training sessions, lectures, and practical training within our patent office, and to further strengthen our system to provide stronger support to everyone. We are pleased to announce the launch of our patent office's "Intellectual Property Training Center."
 At our patent office, the Intellectual Property Training Center, we provide various types of training to meet the needs of our clients. In addition, our patent office has staff capable of dealing with all fields, including the electrical field, mechanical field, chemical/biotechnology field, design/trademark field, etc., so it is possible to provide training focused on each field. .

  • ① Practical training for clients at our patent office
    (Examples: One-month Course, Half-year Course, *Training period can be changed depending on your requests.) 

  • (2) Dispatch of Trainer of Workshop/Training Seminar 

  • ③Holding training sessions and seminars within our patent office 


  • (i) General Information of Laws (including contents of legal revisions): Patent Law, Utility Model Law, Design Law, Trademark Law, Treaty of Paris, Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT), Copyright Law, Act Against Unfair Competition, Seed and Seedling Law, etc. 

  • (ii) Practical Training by Seminar, etc., regarding How to Write Specification, How to Deal With Office Action, and Licensing 

 We will respond to your needs in terms of content and budget. If you are thinking of holding a training session or lecture, please feel free to contact our patent office "Intellectual Property Training Center" first!

Director of Intellectual Property Training Institute Patent and Trademark Attorney Kazuya HASEGAWA


Click here for past seminars

*If you would like to watch the full video or are interested in the theme of this seminar, please feel free to contact us.

*Approximately 6 minutes 25 seconds at the beginning Data size: 18MB


*Approximately 6 minutes 27 seconds at the beginning Data size: 23MB


*Approximately 2 minutes 25 seconds at the beginning Data size: 17MB


*Approximately 3 minutes 05 seconds at the beginning Data size: 21MB


*Approximately 3 minutes 23 seconds at the beginning Data size: 27MB


*Approximately 3 minutes 23 seconds at the beginning Data size: 27MB



*Approximately 5 minutes 59 seconds at the beginning Data size: 128MB 



*Approximately 5 minutes 34 seconds at the beginning Data size: 16.4MB 



*Approximately 5 minutes 23 seconds at the beginning Data size: 49.5MB 



*Approximately 4 minutes 15 seconds at the beginning Data size: 28.0MB 


    • 2021.11.19th Introduction of Case Laws “Citations and Fair Use (Copyright)” “Patent Infringement and Business Judgment Principles (Patents)” (XNUMX) (Click here for guidance materials 


*Approximately 3 minutes 45 seconds at the beginning Data size: 37.7MB 



*Approximately 4 minutes 20 seconds at the beginning Data size: 35.4MB 



*Approximately 5 minutes at the beginning Data size: 28.7MB 



*Approximately 4 minutes at the beginning Data size: 17.2MB 




Past seminar results & materials (partial excerpts)


Lectures and seminars related to trademarks and designs

◇ Click here for information on lectures and seminars new