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IP training courseIn response to requests from various clients, our patent firm has been in charge of lecturers at training sessions and lectures on intellectual property, and we have accepted clients for practical training within our patent firm. I received it. We are honored to have received favorable reviews from many customers. We strongly support your intellectual property strategy from the ground up by providing feedback to you through training sessions, lectures, and practical training based on the wealth of experience and knowledge related to intellectual property that our patent office has cultivated over many years. Our patent office believes that it is possible to do so.
Therefore, we would like to make it easier for everyone to contact our patent office for requests and consultations regarding training sessions, lectures, and practical training within our patent office, and to further strengthen our system to provide stronger support to everyone. We are pleased to announce the launch of our patent office's "Intellectual Property Training Center."
At our patent office, the Intellectual Property Training Center, we provide various types of training to meet the needs of our clients. In addition, our patent office has staff capable of dealing with all fields, including the electrical field, mechanical field, chemical/biotechnology field, design/trademark field, etc., so it is possible to provide training focused on each field. .
① Practical training for clients at our patent office
(Examples: One-month Course, Half-year Course, *Training period can be changed depending on your requests.)(2) Dispatch of Trainer of Workshop/Training Seminar
③Holding training sessions and seminars within our patent office
(i) General Information of Laws (including contents of legal revisions): Patent Law, Utility Model Law, Design Law, Trademark Law, Treaty of Paris, Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT), Copyright Law, Act Against Unfair Competition, Seed and Seedling Law, etc.
(ii) Practical Training by Seminar, etc., regarding How to Write Specification, How to Deal With Office Action, and Licensing
We will respond to your needs in terms of content and budget. If you are thinking of holding a training session or lecture, please feel free to contact our patent office "Intellectual Property Training Center" first!
Director of Intellectual Property Training Institute Patent and Trademark Attorney Kazuya HASEGAWA
Click here for past seminars
*If you would like to watch the full video or are interested in the theme of this seminar, please feel free to contact us.

*Approximately 6 minutes 25 seconds at the beginning Data size: 18MB

*Approximately 6 minutes 27 seconds at the beginning Data size: 23MB

*Approximately 2 minutes 25 seconds at the beginning Data size: 17MB

*Approximately 3 minutes 05 seconds at the beginning Data size: 21MB

*Approximately 3 minutes 23 seconds at the beginning Data size: 27MB

*Approximately 3 minutes 23 seconds at the beginning Data size: 27MB
No. 2022.11.29 About Trademark Registration ②Intermediate Edition ~Points when searching and applying~ (XNUMX)(Click here for guidance materials)
*Approximately 5 minutes 59 seconds at the beginning Data size: 128MB
2022.09.02th European Unitary Patent System and European Unified Patent Court System (XNUMX)(Click here for guidance materials)
*Approximately 5 minutes 34 seconds at the beginning Data size: 16.4MB
No. 2022.07.08 About trademark registration ① Beginners ~ Basic knowledge of trademark registration ~ (XNUMX)(Click here for guidance materials)
*Approximately 5 minutes 23 seconds at the beginning Data size: 49.5MB
2022.05.20th Introduction of case law regarding infringement of equivalents (XNUMX)(Click here for guidance materials)
*Approximately 4 minutes 15 seconds at the beginning Data size: 28.0MB
2021.11.19th Introduction of Case Laws “Citations and Fair Use (Copyright)” “Patent Infringement and Business Judgment Principles (Patents)” (XNUMX) (Click here for guidance materials)
*Approximately 3 minutes 45 seconds at the beginning Data size: 37.7MB
Standard Essential Patent Litigation in Germany (2021.09.10) (Click here for guidance materials)
*Approximately 4 minutes 20 seconds at the beginning Data size: 35.4MB
Patent Law Amendment/Introduction of Case Laws (2021.07.30) (Click here for guidance materials)
*Approximately 5 minutes at the beginning Data size: 28.7MB
Patent Law Amendment/Introduction of Case Laws (2021.06.30) (Click here for guidance materials)
*Approximately 4 minutes at the beginning Data size: 17.2MB
- Information on IoT/AI intellectual property seminarnew
- Information on patent seminars for researchers and developers (seminars for beginners)
- Information on the seminar on “European patentability of inventions involving human embryos”
- Seed Law Seminar Information
- Information on emerging countries intellectual property seminar
Past seminar results & materials (partial excerpts)
- Intellectual Property Seminar: Patent Requirements in the Agricultural Field (Novelty and Inventive Step) (2025.01.31)
- Trademark Seminar (2024.10.17)
- Patent basics seminar (2024.5.29)
- Seminar on preventing infringement of breeder’s rights (2024.2.14rd) “Online Intellectual Property Patrol” (XNUMX)
- Intellectual property strategies of auto parts suppliers towards CASE compliance (2023.10.18)
- For intellectual property managers at chemical companies: Differences in patent practices between chemistry and ICT-related technologies and important precedents (2023.06.23)
- HIRAKU-Global Patent Seminar – Patents from a patent attorney’s perspective – (2023.03.27)
- Interpretation of claims (2023.3.16)
- Intellectual property seminar “Digital Therapeutics” (2023.3.14)
- Application of specification creation (2023.2.15)
- Basics of creating specifications, practical edition (2023.1.19)
- The ABCs of trademarks - Basic knowledge of trademarks - (2022.12.9)
- AI/IoT/Business Model Patent Seminar (2022.11.1) *For machinery companies
- Civil law knowledge necessary for intellectual property practice (2022.09.08)
- Business model patent lecture (2022.07.27)
- Civil law knowledge necessary for contracts (2022.07.07)
- ICT-related patents: Key points in discovering inventions (2022.06.29)
- HARAKENZO WEB Intellectual Property Seminar (Trademark/Copyright) (2022.05.30)
- Key points of intellectual property strategy and how to proceed with intellectual property activities from an ESG management/SDGs perspective (2022.05.26)
- Business model patent lecture (2022.05.24)
- AI/MI/IoT “Patent Short Seminar” Easy-to-understand patent examples (2022.4.7) *For chemical companies
- 3rd Copyright Seminar (2022.03.30)
- 2rd Copyright Seminar (2022.02.28)
- Basic knowledge and usage examples of intellectual property rights (2022.02.04)
- 1rd Copyright Seminar (2022.02.03)
- Business model patent seminar (2022.01.28)
- Chinese trademark practice (2022.01.14)
- Trademark licensing practices and notes for licensors (2021.11.26)
- IoT/AI related inventions: Description requirements, inventive step, etc. (2021.3.15) *For pharmaceutical companies
- IoT/AI patent survey (2021.02.18)
- Basics of design similarity determination (2021.01.26)
- “Trademark rights” that support agribusiness (2021.01.25) *Briefing session sponsored by the Consortium for Measures to Prevent the Overseas Leaking of Plant Varieties, etc.
- Products and brand power (2020.12.08)
- Copyright seminar (2020.12.08)
- Design management and intellectual property (2020.11.09)
- Regarding revisions to in-camera procedures, etc. and practical responses (2020.10.14)
- How to write an invention report considering the essence (2020.09.25)
- Let's create valuable patent rights (2020.08.31)
- Data/design-driven intellectual property strategy (2020.06.11) *Credit research company_in-house seminar
- AI Patent Beginners Step 2 “Overview of potential inventions (with patent examples)” (2020.05.28) *Web seminar hosted by our office
- Business models and intellectual property ~Market-in risk management~ (2020.05.26) *Chemical companies_in-house seminars
- Intellectual Property Contract Is a contract necessary? (2020.05.22) *Web seminar hosted by our office
- Design Law Revision Design Law that has changed so far (2020.05.21) *Web seminar hosted by our office
- Patent strategy regarding AI×IoT (2020.04.28) *Seminar for engineering companies
- AI Patent Beginner Edition “Get a feel for it by touching on easy-to-understand patent cases” (2020.04.27) *Web seminar hosted by our office
- Patent strategy for AI×IoT business (2020.02.18) *Environmental business lecture
- Disaster Prevention x Design x Intellectual Property Project (2019.09.26)
- Key points of IoT/AI patent inventions (2019.09.06) *For chemical companies
- Strategic use of intellectual property (2019.08.07)
- Patent application trends in AI technology and recommendations to XXXX (2019.07.08)
- Design management and intellectual property rights (2019.07.05)
- IoT/AI Patent Seminar - Focusing on case studies - (2019.06.20)
- IoT/AI Patent Seminar - Focusing on case studies - (2019.05.13)
- System-related patents: Write down your ideas in the notification form (2019.04.18)
- Key points for extracting inventions in the IoT era - To survive in the automobile industry - (2019.02.14)
- AI/IoT Patent Seminar - Tips for incorporating AI/IoT into products -
- Measures against patent infringement regarding cells created using genome editing technology
- About IoT/AI patents ~ Focusing on case studies ~
- IoT patent seminar
- -Introduction to the Judgment- Intellectual Property High Court Judgment on Intermediate Processing Practices
- About IoT/AI patents ~ Focusing on case studies ~
- About IoT/AI patents ~ Focusing on case studies ~
- About IoT/AI patents ~ Focusing on case studies ~
- Creation of valuable patent rights
- Latest technologies and technology utilization examples in IoT x AI patents
- Trends in IoT patent applications and key points for obtaining rights
- IoT technology development and intellectual property strategy
- Food/Functional Food Patent Study Group
- Read the general agreement of the TPP Agreement!
- Intellectual property value evaluation (method for creating patent rights with high value)
- Techniques for preparing patent application documents_Chemical field
- Intellectual property and research
- Points to keep in mind when consulting with a patent office for an application
- A study on intellectual property evaluation in academia
- Basic lecture on seed and seedling methods
- Effective countermeasures and examples for engineers and researchers to respond to notices of reasons for refusal
- first patent
- Intellectual property and research - Focusing on patents -
- “Points to note regarding European patents and strategies to take”
- "Patent information in Southeast Asian countries and India - from each country's patent system to applications and how to utilize rights"
- Key differences between patent application procedures at EPO and JPO
- Oral proceedings (Patent Office) and infringement lawsuits
- BRICs market application status and patent strategy
- Pharmaceutical/Bio Field Patent Seminar (Sponsored by: Chugoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry)
- Foreign Application/PCT System Utilization Seminar - Let's focus on obtaining patents overseas -
- Patent specification writing seminar (sponsored by: Chugoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry)
- Preparation of patent specifications in the field of in vitro diagnostic medicine
- Crystal polymorphism seminar
- Needs survey for intellectual property value evaluation
- Intellectual property seminar [1. Regarding the legal system and procedures regarding patents] [2. Introducing successful cases of joint applications with companies]
- Revision of examination standards for medical inventions and actions to be taken
- About intellectual property value evaluation methods and evaluation examples
- Strategic interim procedure course 1
- Strategic interim procedure course 2
- Overview of the patent system and software patents ~ Points to keep in mind when obtaining a usable patent ~
- Intellectual Property Theory Lecture No. 10 -Biology-related inventions-
- Regarding patents for pharmaceutical-related inventions
- Intellectual property skill improvement seminar “About determining the value of intellectual property”
- 5th Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Patent Seminar
- How to accurately read patent publications in the pharmaceutical field and patent research using the Patent Office database
- Things to keep in mind when developing antibody drugs and filing patent applications
- Certification of appellations in combined trademarks -Double standard of examination and trial-
- Seminar on dealing with reasons for refusal after patent application ~To overturn the reasons for refusal~
- Patent Nosume ~Challenge to patents related to yeast~
- Guidepost to patent application ~Bio edition~
- Exercises on how to write an invention description considering the essence
- “What is intellectual property and how can it be used in society?”
- “License seminar for researchers”
- “About obtaining patents in the biofield”
- “Possibility of substance patents and pharmaceutical-related patents in the Faculty of Engineering”
- Trademark/Copyright Seminar
- Regarding intermediate processing practices, appeals against decision of refusal, invalidation trials, and correction trials
- “About patent infringement”
- “About inventions and patents
- "Invention Discovery Seminar"
- “How to write claims and specifications for antibody drug patents”
- “Key points for patent practice in Korea, China, and Taiwan”
- Examination of dispute cases related to crystal polymorphism and salt patents, learned from dispute cases in Europe and the US
- Key points on how to obtain parameter patents and countermeasures
- China's patent situation in the world and patent strategies required of Japanese companies
- About software patents
- Prevention and investigation to avoid receiving infringement warnings
- Patent trends in heat dissipation, mounting, and sealing material technology for LEDs
- Patent trends