Doctoral specialty list

Naoki FUMA

Patent&Trademark Attorney
Doctor of Engineering

Area of expertise: Materials engineering

Main fields: information processing systems, general physical systems, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, optics, machinery, military and defense-related technologies, etc.

“HARAKENZO more” IP ValueUP!Based on this concept, we contribute to improving the corporate value of our clients through the value evaluation of intellectual property!

Naoki AONO

Patent&Trademark Attorney
Doctor of Science
Patent Strategy Department manager

Born 1974
A specialty: Science
A research field: Chemical biology, molecular biology and vegetable evolution embryology

The combination of my doctorate level education, ability to ascertain the facts cultivated from my post-doctoral research experience, and expert knowledge of intellectual property rights, I will respond to the expectations and demands of our clients.
Further, to keep up with the client’s expectations and to stay up to date with the ever-changing laws and technical advancements, I will continue to dedicate myself to my studies.


Hiroshima Office Representative/Section Manager/Hiroshima Legal Strategy Office Manager
Patent&Trademark Attorney
Ph.D. (Agriculture)

Born in 1981
Research Experience: Molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, endocrinology, and immunology
Field of Expertise: Biotechnology, medical drags, and diagnostic drugs

With my rich expert knowledge as a researcher, I exert my best efforts not only to enhance protection and utilization of our valued clients' inventions to the maximum extent, but also to boost the entire bio-related industry.

Atsushi DEJI

Patent&Trademark Attorney
Ph.D. (Agriculture)

Born in 1971
Research fields: Plant physiology, molecular biology, proteomics
Main fields of handling: Biotechnology, IT related

Atsushi DEJI, born in XNUMX, obtained a PhD in agriculture from Nagoya University. The targets of his research include plant physiology, molecular biology and proteomics. His specialty covers biotechnology and information technology. I believe that the largest room in the world is a room referrerd to as "room for improvement".
By taking the "room for improvement" into consideration, I always make every efforts to offer the client higher-ranked jobs so as to surely meet the client's requirements.

Kazuhiro NAGATA

Doctor of Science

Born in 1972
Research field: Particle physics
Specialty: Whole field of physics

Because the basic principles of physics are universal, they appear everywhere, regardless of the field.
We strive every day to provide high-quality services to our customers, drawing on the experience we have gained during our doctoral studies and research life in the United States.

Yuichiro OKADA

Tokyo Head Office Executive Manager
Doctor of Science

Born in 1973
Research field: Nonlinear physics, computational physics
Main fields of study: Physics, Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics

Throughout the 20th century, physics has been applied to many technologies.
And today, physics continues to be a source of innovative ideas.
We will do our best to provide our customers with highly reliable services based on our experience in physics research.


Doctor of engineering

Born in 1972
Research fields: Molecular biology, genetic engineering, biochemistry
Main field: General biotechnology

In recent years, the field of biotechnology has been progressing rapidly.
In this context, the importance of intellectual property rights is increasing.
To that end, I would like to utilize my field of expertise, always learn the latest technology, and provide appropriate services.
And humbly thank you.


PhD (Medicine)

Born in 1970
Research experience: Molecular cell biology, genetic engineering
Main field: Biotechnology

Today's technological advances are remarkable, and the amount of information that has been accumulated is enormous.
In particular, the progress in the field of biotechnology is remarkable.
We will continue to pay attention to the latest technology that is advancing day by day, and provide the best service to our customers.


Ph.D. (academic)

Degree: Ph.D. (academic)
Research fields: superconducting devices, magnetic semiconductors

We have been conducting research on device fabrication processes using microfabrication technology and magnetic transport properties of magnetic semiconductors. By focusing on the knowledge gained through these experiences and deepening our knowledge of science in general, we strive to be able to view our customers' inventions from multiple angles.
By understanding the true meaning of our customers' inventions and determining their essence, we will do our best to provide higher satisfaction and profits.


Doctor of Engineering

Major: Bioengineering
Specialized fields: Molecular biology, biochemistry, biology, general biotechnology

I aim to provide a service that will fully satisfy our clients. I constantly research the latest technologies and diligently pursue my studies daily.

Masashi IIZUKA

Doctor of Science

Born in 1976
Research field: Molecular biology, genetic engineering 

After graduating from university, I amassed experience as a researcher at bio-venture enterprises, university laboratories and so on. In my daily work, I make use the knowledge I have attained so far to respond sincerely to our clients' needs.


Doctorate (Health Science)

Born 1968
Research experience: biological science, biochemistry
Major fields handled: IT-related fields

I work to provide our clients with the most satisfactory service possible, by making full use of my valuable research experience and strong willingness to take on challenges.


Doctor of Science

Born 1983
Major: Biological Science
Research field: Cell biology

Science and technology is making dramatic progress daily, particularly in the fields of biotechnology and life sciences. Accordingly, intellectual property competition is extremely fierce.
As well as making use of the knowledge and experience I cultivated at university, I handle the most recent technologies that are being created every day, and am committed to providing a high-quality service that will satisfy our clients.

Shinpei KASHII

Ph.D. (Law)

I majored in laws in my university.

My goal is not only responding to our clients' requests exactly but also always offer our clients results plus something extra. For this goal, I would like to make daily efforts with constantly improving my knowledge on patents.


Doctor of Science

Career: Ph.D. (Science), Department of Biofunctions
Specialty: Stem cell biology, molecular biology

In the advancing scientific technologies, the biotechnology field shows remarkable progress in recent years. Accordingly, competition for intellectual property rights are being increased. Making use of my research experiences and being receptive to constantly varying technical information, I will make efforts to provide satisfactory and high quality services to our clients.


<Related page>
Lawyers & Major Staffs Doctoral specialty list
