Domestic design system

Subsidy and exemption system for obtaining design rights

Subsidy and exemption system for obtaining design rights

The Japan Patent Office and local governments provide subsidies for the costs of obtaining design rights.

In order to receive the grant, you must meet certain conditions and pass an examination before filing your application abroad.

If you would like assistance with the costs of obtaining a design patent, please see below for details.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Patent Office, local government, or our office.

Subsidy system by the Patent Office

FY2020 Subsidy for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Support Overseas Filing and Anti-Infringement Projects (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Support Overseas Filing Projects)

This is a system in which the Japan Patent Office, through its implementing agencies nationwide, subsidizes part of the overseas application costs of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Japan Patent Office website: "We will subsidize half the costs required for filing an overseas application"
(External link)

National implementing agencies

・The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) will accept applications from businesses across the country.

→JETRO homepage: link)

- Details of regional implementing organizations can be found on the JPO website listed above.

Foreign Grant Programs

<United States>

If you qualify as a small entity or micro entity, the application fee, search fee, and examination fee will be reduced.

(1) Small entities

If you meet the following conditions ① and ② and go through the required procedures, application fees and other charges will be reduced by 50%.

  • 1) You are an individual, a small business entity, or a non-profit organization.
  • ② The rights pertaining to the invention (design) have not currently been transferred or licensed to a company etc. that does not fall under ①, and there is no obligation by contract or law to transfer or license the rights pertaining to the invention (design).

 *Please contact us to find out whether your business is considered a small business entity.

(2) Micro entity

If you meet the following criteria A and follow the prescribed procedures, application fees etc. will be reduced by 75%.

A. Individuals or organizations that meet the following criteria ① to ④

  • 1) The applicant falls under (XNUMX).
  • ② The number of previous U.S. applications for which you are the inventor (creator) is not more than four.
  • 3) The total income of the applicant or inventor (creator) in the year preceding the year in which the fee is paid under this reduction or exemption system does not exceed three times the average household income for that year.
  • 3) The rights to the invention (design) are not currently being transferred or licensed to an organization, etc. with a total income exceeding three times the average household income, and there is no legal or contractual obligation to transfer or license the rights to the invention (design) to such organization, etc.

Category A above includes applicants who meet the following criteria ① and ②.

  • 1. The applicant's employer is a U.S. institution of higher education and the applicant derives a majority of his or her income from that employer.
  • ② The applicant has currently assigned or granted a license or other ownership right to the invention (design) to a U.S. institution of higher education, or is obligated by law or contract to assign or grant a license or other ownership right to the invention (design) to a U.S. institution of higher education.

*When filing an application, you can check with our affiliated U.S. agent whether your application actually qualifies as a small entity or a micro entity.

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