Patents/utility models
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Is your intellectual property being stolen (used without permission)? Online Intellectual Property Patrol® With the recent spread of the Internet, it is not easy to keep track of all infringements, even if you are the rights holder. Furthermore, in order to effectively eliminate infringements, it is necessary to broaden your horizons not only in Japan but also overseas, and to be vigilant.
Apply for a free consultation Apply for a plan Reservation Terms of UseOur ResolutionDo you have any of these concerns? There is no intellectual property departmentI feel the need to obtain patent or trademark rights, but there is no intellectual property department and I don't know where to start...
"If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear even in a hundred battles." Sun Tzu Did you know that intellectual property application information can reveal a company's position and direction? We will analyze patent applications in your company's intellectual property field and provide you with an intellectual property trend analysis report. Report Content Analysis Report [Patent] 1. Overall Overview - Applications
The IoT x AI Support Office is here to support you! IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence), which are at the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Digital Transformation (DX), are now indispensable for all businesses.
The environment surrounding agriculture has been changing dramatically in many ways in recent years. This change is not limited to changes in environmental factors such as climate change. For example, technological advances such as the introduction of AI (artificial intelligence) and ICT (information and communication technology), the coming into force of various trade agreements, and systemic changes such as amendments to the Seed Act, Seed and Seedlings Act, and other agricultural-related laws and regulations are also occurring daily.
Amazing DX®Amazing DX, provided by our office, is a low-cost trademark registration service that utilizes remote and online services in collaboration with AI (artificial intelligence) and trademark attorneys. "Amazing DX®" is a new information provision service that reduces time and costs to the utmost.
In today's world, where the importance of intellectual property is widely recognized socially and economically, the management of intellectual property and the establishment of a strategic system are essential conditions for business success. In addition, in a country rich in four seasons and diversity, local companies, groups, and organizations that have unique features, original technical capabilities, know-how, and brand power derived from the characteristics of their regions are each