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Director: Manager Kenji Kojima
DX (digital transformation), BM intellectual property information content
- [2024 Edition] Recent Trends in Business-Related Inventions (2024.12.24)NEW
- Recent trends in business-related inventions (2023.12.11)
- Introduction to patent rulings - Inventive step of business model patents - (2023.04.12)
- Recent trends in business-related inventions (2022.12.23)
- DX/Business Model Patent Case No.22-1 (2022.04.27)
- Recent trends in business-related inventions (2021.9.13)
- DX/Business Model Patent Case No.21-4 (2021.08.02)
- Patent Judgment Introduction: Inventive step - Certification of cited invention - (UNIQLO case) (2021.6.14)
- DX/Business Model Patent Case No.21-3 (2021.05.17)
- Patent examples 1 that can be understood in 2021 minute MaaS field (2021.4.14)
- DX/Business Model Patent Case No.21-1 (2021.04.12)
- DX/Business Model Patent Case No.21-2 (2021.04.12)
- Patent Cases 1 that can be understood in 2021 minute Automotive field (2021.4.6)
- Examples of clearly contributing to the achievement of SDGs (IT field) (2021.4.5)
- Examples of clearly contributing to the achievement of SDGs - Information systems field - (2021.4.5)
- Materials Informatics (MI) patent application technology trends (2021.1.18)
- [Europe] Patents and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Europe) (4)
- [Europe] Trial decision useful for obtaining rights for business-related inventions in Europe (2020.07.13)
- DX/Business Model Patent Case No.20-4 (2020.06.26)
- DX/Business Model Patent Case No.20-3 (2020.05.25)
- DX/Business Model Patent Case No.20-2 (2020.5.15)
- AI×IoT Paper Introduction_vol 15 (Cover) (Tracking and Controlling the Spread of a Virus in a Privacy-Preserving Way) (2020.04.01)
- DX/Business Model Patent Case No.20-1 (2020.2.3)
- Recent trends in business-related inventions [Updated on July 2019, 7] (5)
- Recent trends in business-related inventions (2019.05.30)
- Introduction of inventions related to blockchain technology (2019.01.17)
- IoT registered patent cases vol.12 (2019.01.10)
- Case law introduction (2018.11.12)
- Introduction of "Resona next-generation store" business model patent (2012/01/31 Written by: Kojima)
- The first federal district court ruling invalidating a business method patent after the Bilski case (2009/02/02, written by Takamasa Arai)
- En banc judgment on whether business method claims fall under statutory patent subject matter under Article 2008 of the U.S. Patent Act (11/04/XNUMX, written by Takamasa Arai)
- Regarding patent applications for business-related inventions (2002/03/26 Written by Ken Kojima)
- Actual situation of business model patents (2000/07/15 Written by: Kenzo Hara)
- Business model patent (2000/03/10 Written by: Kenzo Hara)
IT Intellectual Property Information Content
- Application trends for AI-related inventions “AI Core Edition” (From the Japan Patent Office “Application Status Survey Report” (August 2021)) (8)
- Application trends for AI-related inventions (from the Japan Patent Office “Application Status Survey Report” (August 2021)) (8)
- Introduction to patent judgments - Consideration of well-known technical issues not mentioned in cited documents - (Mitsubishi UFJ vs. JPO) (2021.4.5)
- [Europe] EPO, UKIPO rejects patent application with AI as inventor (2020.01.14)
- [Europe] Commercialization of inventions by universities and public research institutions (2020.11.30)
- AI registered patent examples vol.25 (2)
- [USA] Application trends for AI-related inventions (USA) (2020.11.02)
- Application trends for AI-related inventions (2020.08.24)
- Introduction to patent judgment - Applicability of invention - (Mitsubishi UFJ Bank vs. JPO) (2020.8.3)
- [India] Advice on acquiring rights for software inventions in India (2020.07.13)
- [Taiwan] Application and examination status of AI-related inventions in Taiwan (2020.6.22)
- COVID-19 (spread of new coronavirus infection) promotes artificial intelligence (AI)-related inventions in the fields of chemical engineering and pharmaceuticals (2020.05.19)
- [United States] Useful CAFC ruling recognizing eligibility for protection of software inventions that bring improvements to computer technology (2020.05.18)
- [Europe] EPO revised examination guidelines to make patentability decisions for inventions related to computers, chemistry, biotechnology, parameters, etc. more stable (effective date: 2019-11-1) (2019.11.15)
- [United States] USPTO revised examination guidance for subject matter eligible for patent protection under Section 101 of the U.S. Patent Act (October 2019, 10) (November 17, 2019.11.05)
- AI-related invention: Comparison of the configuration stated in the original claim and the configuration of the patented invention after the reasons for refusal have been resolved (2019.10.23)
- IoT registered patent cases vol.13 (2019.10.08)
- The Japan Patent Office revised the examination standards and examination handbook for CS-related inventions (2018.04.11)
- Trends regarding IT-related inventions in Chinese patents in 2017 (2017.12.25)
- The Japan Patent Office adds cases related to IoT-related technologies to the "Patent/Utility Model Examination Handbook" (2016.10.05)
- About design applications
- Case law regarding Section 101 of the U.S. Patent Law and the impact of the Alice case (XNUMX)
- Case law regarding Section 101 of the U.S. Patent Law and the impact of the Alice case (XNUMX)
- Korea Support Office Information (Expansion of SW field patent protection (from applications filed on July 2014, 7)) (1/2014/06 Written by: Korea Support Office)
- Regarding the protection of inventions related to computer programs in China (protection by design of product screen design) (2014/01/20 Written by: Chinese Patent Attorney Guo Pei)
- Regarding the protection of inventions related to computer programs in China (protection by copyright) (2013/10/04 Written by: Chinese Patent Attorney Guo Pei)
- Regarding the protection of inventions related to computer programs in China (protection by patent rights) (2013/08/23 Written by: Chinese Patent Attorney Guo Pei)
- About protecting web page screens (2013/07/09 Written by: Makoto Nagao)
- Specification of CS-related invention and operation of CPU (2013/06/06 Written by: Shiokawa, Harada)
- Regarding the situation and trends surrounding CS-related inventions (2011/02/04 Written by: Hideaki Yamamoto)
- Breaking news on the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Bilski case (2010/07/01, written by Takamasa Arai)
- Trial decision by the Enlarged Board of Appeal concerning the patentability of computer programs (EPO Case G 3/08) (2010/05/17 Written by Takamasa Arai)
- Eligibility of US computer-readable media as subject matter of invention (2010/02/22 Written by: Takamasa Arai)
- Example of response in prosecution after the Grand Court judgment in Bilski case (2009/09/07 Written by: Takamasa Arai)
- Overview of the patent system and software patents - Points to keep in mind when obtaining a usable patent - (2009/08/04 Written by Hisashi Murakami)
- Suspension of Peer-to-Patent collaborative patent review program (2009/7/21, written by Takamasa Arai)
- The U.S. Supreme Court accepts Bilski's certiorari appeal (June 2009, 06, written by Takamasa Arai)
- Regarding the deliberations at the "Patent System Study Group" (2009/06/02 XNUMXst to XNUMXrd meetings) (Written by Takashi Murakami)
- Newspaper article "Significant review of patent law" (2009/01/21 Written by Hisashi Murakami)
- Patentability of software under review at the EP Enlarged Board of Appeal (2008/11/04 Written by: Takamasa Arai)
- The UK Patent Office's appeal against the UK's Symbian judgment is dismissed (2008/11/04, written by Takamasa Arai)
- Patent trolls and the idea of exercising software patent rights (2008/02/26 Written by Hisashi Murakami)
- How to include the subject of the operational step in the English claim? (2008/02/01 Written by: Jinichi Yasuda, Yoshie Fukuoka, Tetsuhiro Matsukawa)
- About software patents (2005/12/01 Written by: Kiyoshi Fukui)
- How to write instructions for computer software-related inventions (including business-related inventions) for inventors (2002/03/26 Written by Ken Kojima)
Patent Office DX, IT related information
- Regarding patent examination cases related to AI-related technology
- Recent trends in business-related inventions
- Investigation of application status of AI-related inventions
- Comparative research on software-related inventions
Patent/utility model examination standards
- Examination standards for computer software-related inventions
- Regarding the revision of "Examination Guidelines for Computer Software Related Inventions"
- Points for revising the examination standards and examination handbook for computer software-related inventions
Patent/Utility Model Examination Handbook
- Annex A “Patent/Utility Model Examination Standards” Case Studies
- Annex B Application examples of “Patent/Utility Model Examination Standards” to specific technical fields
Chapter 1 Computer software related inventions - Annex D “Patent/Utility Model Examination Standards” Trial Judgment Examples
- Reference materials: Cases related to IoT-related technologies, etc.
- Reference materials: Cases related to AI-related technologies
Software-related judgments/trial decisions
- Introduction to patent ruling - “Production” under Article 2, Paragraph 2023.07.07, Item XNUMX of the Patent Act in networked systems (Dwango Co., Ltd. VS. FCXNUMX, INC.) (XNUMX) NEW
- Introduction to patent rulings - Cross-border program distribution and extraterritorial application - (Dwango Co., Ltd. VS. FC2, INC.) (2022.09.30)
- Patent Judgment Introduction - “FuruFuru” Functional Infringement Case (Future Eye vs LINE) (2022.08.01)
- Introduction to patent rulings - "Production" as "working" of product inventions and extraterritorial application - (Dwango Co., Ltd. VS. FC2, INC.) (2022.06.30)
- Patent Judgment Introduction Applicability of Invention (Article 29, Paragraph 1 of the Patent Act) (2022.04.21)
- EPO publishes trial decision upholding original decision in appeal against decision of refusal of One Click patent application
- No. 16 of 25576 (case where patent infringement was affirmed for an invention involving multiple entities)
- Case No. 19 of 10369 (Inventability of technical idea involving human mental activity)
- Personal verification system case (judgment regarding inventive step of business model patent)
- Nintendo Game Boy Advance case (judgment regarding interpretation of technical scope of patented invention)