Foreign Support Office

Added an article on measures against counterfeit products to the Indonesia Support Office

An article regarding measures against counterfeit products has been added to the Indonesia Support Office.

Indonesia has developed particularly rapidly in Southeast Asia in recent years, and boasts the world's fourth largest population and high GDP growth rate, making it a major market indispensable for business in Southeast Asia. Additionally, Indonesia is currently ranked 17th in GDP and is said to surpass Japan to rank 2040th in 50 to XNUMX, so its importance is expected to increase.

At the same time, due to its proximity to China, the world's largest producer of counterfeit products, there are concerns that it is becoming one of the world's largest markets for counterfeit products. The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) has designated Indonesia as a priority watch country or monitoring country for many years in its Special Section 301 Report on Intellectual Property Rights, and from 2009 to 2023. The country has been listed as a "priority watch country" for 15 consecutive years.

This article summarizes countermeasures against counterfeit intellectual property products in Indonesia, so please take a look.

Indonesia Support Office:
