Intellectual property value evaluation

Are you having trouble valuing your intellectual property?
We provide intellectual property value evaluation using various methods.

In order to provide one-stop support for our clients' intellectual property management, we provide an "online intellectual property department" service.
By using the online reservation system and web conference system, you can meet with our lawyers and patent attorneys just as if you were consulting with your in-house intellectual property department.


Through the evaluation of the value of intellectual property
We will help improve your company's corporate value!

“HARAKENZO more” IP ValueUP!

Valuation of intellectual property is one of the most important strategic management issues. There are many separate reasons and stages for intellectual property valuation and economic valuation analysis. For example, it is needed in a variety of situations, including IPOs, IP inventories, IP securitization and collateral financing, tax planning and compliance, and litigation support.

Intellectual property valuation is calculated from a wide range of important parameters, including the intellectual property's profitability, market share, entry barriers, legal protection, growth projections, and remaining economic life. The valuation process requires gathering more information as well as a deep understanding of the economy, industry, and specific business that directly impacts the value of the intellectual property. Therefore, such information must be collected from external and/or internal sources. We provide valuation models to estimate the fundamental value of certain types of intellectual property based on international valuation standards at various stages.

“HARAKENZO more” IP ValueUP! The team has extensive experience in the analytical processes required to address various approaches to industrial technology valuation towards a company's financial performance and prospects, while considering the impact of risk in IP valuation decisions. have.



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