































Beyond 5Gに向けた情報通信技術戦略の在り方

総務省は、「Beyond 5Gに向けた情報通信技術戦略の在り方」に関する技術戦略委員会報告書(案)についての意見募集を行った。

本報告書(案)は、2022年6月の中間答申取りまとめ以降、Beyond 5Gの研究開発・国際標準化、社会実装、海外展開の取組について、有機的に連携しつつ、より効果的・実効的に推進していくための新たな戦略の策定に向けて2023年11月より検討が再開され、技術戦略委員会により作成された。

報告書(案)の「第3章3.3.1 民間企業による戦略的な標準化活動に対する支援」では、「(2)今後の方向性」の中で、次のように述べられている。


また、「第3章3.3.2 標準化に携わる人的資源の確保」では、(2)「今後の方向性」の中で、次のように述べられている。

標準化活動については企業・組織の経営コミットメントや事業戦略との一体性が重要との認識の下、新基金事業による「戦略商品」の社会実装・海外展開に本気で取り組む企業に対する標準化活動支援も活用する等して、民間企業においては、事業戦略に基づく標準化活動やそのための戦略的体制を強化し、各企業における、経営層レベルにおけるコミットメントに加え、若手も含めた標準化に携わる人材の確保・育成の強化・拡充を図っていくことが重要である。また、重要な標準化活動に対して我が国として中長期的かつ持続可能な形で対応していくため、Beyond 5G 新経営戦略センターが主体となって、関係する企業・組織の経営層のコンセンサスを得ながら、かつ企業・組織の枠を超えた形での次世代人材育成や、その人材の力をフル活用した業界・分野横断の取組を推進していくことが重要である。




Newsletter translated into English

Results of “Research Study on How Creations Made Utilizing AI Should be Protected under Patent Law”

On April 22, 2024, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) published on its website the results of the “Research Study on How Creations Made Utilizing AI Should be Protected under Patent Law” (Committee Chairman: Professor Ryuta Hirashima), which was conducted as a commissioned research study in the fiscal year 2023.

This study summarizes the results of a survey of publicly available information, questionnaires and hearings conducted in Japan and abroad regarding how creations made utilizing AI should be protected under patent law, and the discussions of an expert committee based on the results of these surveys and hearings. As a result of the survey of public information, domestic and international questionnaires, and hearings, issues such as whether the expansion of the use of AI will have any impact on patent examination practice were identified.

The following is a summary of the results of the discussions by the committee of experts based on these issues.

– The study did at the present time not find any special circumstances that would require an immediate change in the nature of protection under patent law due to the influence of the use of AI in the creation process of inventions.

– On the other hand, since AI-related technologies are likely to develop even more rapidly in the future, it will be necessary to continue to closely monitor technological progress and as necessary consider how inventions should be appropriately protected.

Based on the results of this research study, the JPO will continue to study how creations made utilizing AI should be protected under patent law, while keeping a close eye on the rapid development of AI technology.


Results of Patent Application Technology Trend Survey by Field for 2023

The JPO has compiled a report on five cutting-edge technology subjects (solid-state batteries, quantum computer-related technologies, passive ZEH/ZEB, drones, and healthcare informatics) for which market creation and expansion are expected, analyzing Japan’s strengths and challenges based on patent information and other data. The following results were suggested respectively as a result of the survey.

– “Solid-state batteries” is a field in which Japan has a competitive edge since Japan has the largest number of internationally developed inventions.

– In the field of “quantum computer-related technology,” the number of applications from Japan, Europe, and China is increasing, and competition among countries is intensifying.

– Multiple Japanese applicants are active in the fields of “passive ZEH/ZEB”, “drones”, and “healthcare informatics”.

For solid-state batteries, the structure, cell technology, and mounting module technology related to the solid electrolyte, including the cathode, anode, and separator layer were investigated. The scope of the survey also included material technology and design and manufacturing technology.

In the case of all solid-state batteries, Japanese applicants ranked first with 48.6% of the total number of internationally developed inventions from 2013 to 2021, followed by Korean applicants with 17.6%, US applicants with 12.9%, European applicants with 11.9%, Chinese applicants with 5.8%, Taiwanese applicants with 1.2%, and Canadian applicants with 1.0%. In the ranking of the number of inventions developed internationally by applicant during the same period, 14 of the top 20 applicants were Japanese, including Panasonic Corporation at No. 1 and Toyota Motor Corporation at No. 2, suggesting that Japan as a whole has an advantage.

By technology category, Japan made the highest number of applications for “sulfide-type” in the “main materials for solid electrolyte materials” category, indicating the predominance of Japan. On the other hand, applications from China and other countries and regions have been flourishing in this technology category in recent years. Solid electrolytes based on sulfides are electrochemically stable over a wide potential range and have excellent processability, so application of this technology in EVs is expected. In order to improve the relative competitiveness of Japanese industry in the field of solid-state batteries, sustained research and development on sulfide-based solid-state batteries for EVs, which is the main application of solid-state batteries, is indicated to be necessary in the future.


Survey on Level of Functionality of Commercial Databases for Patent Information

On April 26, 2024, the JPO published a report on the level of functionality of commercial databases for patent information from 2023.

The survey report presents the following results of the survey on patent information services provided by private businesses for the purpose of providing basic data for considering the services and functions to be provided in the future on the patent information service “Japan Platform for Patent Information (J-PlatPat)” and others.

(1) Investigation of the functions of commercial databases provided by private operators  

– Survey of 36 selected commercial databases to determine the functionality provided in each jurisdiction (patent/utility model, design, and trademark).  

– Survey of commercial databases for overview, compiled data, list of functions, advanced features, and implementation costs.  

– Interviews conducted with 10 commercial database providers

(2) Investigation of advanced functions of commercial databases provided by private operators  

– Research on what are considered to be advanced functions (e.g., functions more advanced than those provided by the Japan Platform for Patent Information (J-PlatPat)).  

As for advanced functions, for example, the report mentions a patent information analysis function (IP landscape map display), and reports that there are databases that not only create maps for management and business strategy formulation, but also have a function to narrow down the search for patents directly from the map by linking it with the search function.

The report also mentions an automatic patent generation function, which creates a draft specification when an outline of an invention is entered, but which currently cannot create complete specifications. On the other hand, it is reported that this function is effective for drafts for consultation with patent attorneys and for communication between the IP division and the development division, etc.


Information and Communication Technology Strategies for Beyond 5G

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has solicited opinions on a draft report of the Technology Strategy Committee entitled “Information and Communication Technology Strategies for Beyond 5G”.

After an interim report was compiled in June 2022, while coordinating organically, investigation was restarted in November 2023 regarding the development of new strategies for more efficient and effective progress in research and development, international standardization, social implementation and overseas deployment of Beyond 5G, and the draft report was prepared by the Technology Strategy Committee.

In “Chapter 3.3.1: Support for Strategic Standardization Activities by Private Companies” of the draft report, the following is stated under the heading “(2) Future Orientation”.

“Furthermore, based on the report on how to support international standardization activities, the MIC will provide support for travel expenses, personnel expenses for expert personnel, and other expenses required for strategic standardization activities by private companies. It is also important for private companies to strengthen their ability to promote standardization quantitatively and qualitatively by establishing a strategic standardization activity system centered on a “command post function” at each company and by expanding the number of personnel dispatched to focused standardization organizations by utilizing the support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, etc., as necessary.”

In addition, in “Chapter 3.3.2: Securing Human Resources for Standardization”, the following is stated under the heading “(2) Future Orientation”.

“Based on the recognition that standardization activities should be integrated with management commitment and business strategies of companies and organizations, it is important for private companies to strengthen standardization activities based on their business strategies and strategic frameworks for these activities, including the use of support for standardization activities for companies that are serious about social implementation and overseas deployment of “strategic products” under the new fund project. It is also crucial for private companies to strengthen and expand their efforts to secure and foster human resources involved in standardization, including young people, in addition to having commitment at the management level. Moreover, in order for Japan to respond to important standardization activities in a sustainable manner over the medium to long term, it is important for the Beyond 5G New Management Strategy Center to take the lead and develop the next generation of human resources in a manner that transcends the boundaries of companies and organizations, and to promote cross-industry and cross-sectoral initiatives that fully utilize the capabilities of these human resources, while obtaining consensus from the management of the companies and organizations involved.”

